“Ki” energy (Chi “Qi”) is a fundamental concept in many traditional Asian martial arts, philosophy and traditional medicine. It basically refers to the cosmic life energy that flows through all matter in the universe and unites all living things, just like air, and provides life. KI flows endlessly throughout the universe, throughout the cosmic cycle (TAO) dynamically shifting in between 2 poles: YIN & YANG. Those 2 poles are like complementary phases of KI energy and can be considered like High & low, Day & Night, Activity & Rest, Masculinity and Femineity etc. In order to fully merge with the KI we must be aware of it and understand its nature! The capability of allowing KI to run through us naturally and with no interruptions is considered the core manifestation of health in Oriental medicine. A more modern approach to understanding “KI” may be the use of “ Aerobic energy ” compared to “ Anaerobic energy ” in our body. The Aerobic energy in a protein-based energy pro
An official blog by Asi Shnabel LMT, that is dedicated to promoting Shiatsu-Anma Healing, Aikido martial art and KI vital life-energy.