Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art that started in the early 20th century, evolving from a more traditional skills such as Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jiujitsu (led by the Takeda family for centuries), some traditional weapons skills like the wooden sword (Bokken), short staff (Jo) and more. the focus in Aikido is to peacefully and non-aggressively subdue an attack through a variety of techniques, conducted in a non-forceful way.
Aikido mastery takes years of consistent and devoted practice but as skills evolves, it is second to none and extremely rewarding. The true reward is not in the techniques performed, but the development of the conduct that guides the practice and gradually becomes our nature.
Traditional Japanese Martial arts were meant to develop the practitioner as a SAMURAI. The word "Samurai" is derived from the term "Samuru", means: "To Serve". Just like the understanding of a high degree soldier, or, and OFFICER, in the western concept, the Samurai was in ser vice of a specific conduct and mastered special skills related to enforcing and expressing this conduct, named "BUSHIDO" (Lit. "The way of the warrior"). This traditional conduct stood for:
Righteousness (義 Gi), Heroic Courage (勇 Yū), Benevolence, Compassion (仁 Jin), Respect (礼 Rei), Honesty and transparency (誠 Makoto), Honor (名誉 Meiyo), Loyalty (忠義 Chūgi) and Self-Control (自制 Jisei).
Aikido practice is meant to train us into being what I name: "Aiki-Samurai", means to adopt the traditional conduct with the addition of non-aggression, vitality ("Ki") and proper body awareness, and peaceful/harmonious interaction with the universe (not to be understood for softness). It is possible to resolve hostility and aggression effectively, while still keep the peace. Aikido advocate for that way, which benefits ALL!
Practicing Aikido does not require any special attributes, but only reasonable health condition, so can cater to almost anybody. However it requires a lot of sincerity, devotion, consistency and patients which may naturally evolve if we obtain the passion for Aikido. Consistent practice in AIkido will help the practitioner develop their inner peace, confidence, good conscience & conduct, sharp senses and awareness, as well as their physical attributes such as flexibility, vitality, muscle-balance and more.
I welcome you to show interest in Aikido practice and come practice in our dojo: "Bushido Aikidojo" in Apopka, Florida.
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