Shiatsu-Anma therapy has been popularized throughout the USA as a form of Massage. Since graduating the Shiatsu-Anma school in California 1996, I came to realize that Shiatsu-Anma as Asian bodywork differs essentially in many ways than other western massage modalities, as recognized by the general public and the scientific community. The majority of the American public has misunderstood the value, goals and potential embedded in this healing art, and that decreases its value and contribution to promoting health. I'd like to shed some light on that matter, so to allow you all a better understanding of the art.
My understanding of the uniqueness of Shiatsu-Anma therapy gradually came to it's form, mostly based on supportive feedback from many of my clients, and lots of self study of my work:
- Shiatsu Anma is mostly based on pressure techniques, vs Massage which is mostly based on stroking. The effects of those techniques on the body is essentially different in physiological terms.
- As a general rule it could be stated that Asian bodywork is focused on VITALIZING the body and it's functioning, while Massage is mostly focused on bodily RELAXITION.
- While western Massage is focused on "Manipulation of bodily SOFT tissues", Shiatsu Anma focuses on INTERACTIVE pressure modality, where the effect is composed of both the technique applied AND of the way the recipient reacts to it. The client has an active role in allowing the body to breath naturally into the pressure.
- Shiatsu Anma is based on Asian traditional medicine and focuses on balancing promoting the vital functioning of bodily systems and tissues ("Qi" or "Ki"). Western Massage is based on modern Anatomy and Physiology and focuses mostly on structural correction.
- Western Massage and science usually concerns any health issue as separate from the person that owns the body, so treats the problem "for the client". This approach determines the diagnosis and treatment plan in whole. In Asian medicine and Shiatsu-Anma, we focus on the relationship between the client and their body, understanding that self natural healing is blocked by any conflict that exists there, and attempting to resolve that conflict by applying a corrective pressure.
- Due to its forceless, non-manipulative nature, Shiatsu Anma is highly a safe and instinctively accurate form of bodywork (nature of "Qi"), and always as deep as it's needed. Western massage is more of a mechanical manipulation, so must be defined as "strong" or "gentle" in performance, and take a greater toll from the therapist (using force).
- Massage has mostly local effect on the massaged area, e.g. treating the back for back issues etc., while Shiatsu Anma may concern any local symptom as possibly caused by remote areas or elements, e.g. lower back pain caused by inner Kidney issues, or inner abdominal fascial adhesions. therefore treating any issue either locally or remotely via specially chosen Acupoints (like in Acupuncture).
- Shiatsu Anma is traditionally performed on clothes (client is wearing clothes) and on floor level (as in traditional Japanese culture, although it can be applied on a table as well), vs Massage that usually includes some nudity for application of oils/lotions etc.(although maintains client's privacy under professional regulations), and is mostly performed on a massage table.
- Shiatsu Anma and Asian bodywork evolved from folk culture, so treating oneself daily, or treating family members and dear ones at home was highly encouraged, while western massage is most recognized as a professional service and is not appreciated as a form of daily self care in "family care".
- Asian medicine and Shiatsu-Anma were forged throughout history, mostly by self practice done by sages who came into realization as they practiced consistently. Every therapist that wishes to master Shiatsu-Anma needs to constantly and sincerely practice "Qi". One cannot feel "Qi" (vital healing force) without the practice. Western Massage may have some bodywork tips so to avoid premature burn-out, but is not based on based on it while providing sessions. Thus Shiatsu-Anma is critically based on proper bodywork and sensing of vitality.
I must admit that this article is based on my subjective insight only, and I know that many massage therapists would believe that modern massage strives to become what Shiatsu-Anma is already by nature. In my opinion, all these differences are derived from the focus on the concept of "Qi" (Vital energy), compared to modern anatomical/physiological conceptuality. Unfortunately traditional Asian conceptuality is not yet accepted nor investigated much in our modern world, so much more must be done to promote it's understanding and value so to promote our HEALTH.
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