Shiatsu-Anma can be very effective in treating long-term conditions, that have resided in the body for many years. many of us carry those conditions and have adopted lifestyles to cope with their debilitating restrictions, or have managed to ignore them to the point of decreased body- mind communication and inner degeneration, resulting in further disabilities, diseases etc.
Our bodies contain a complexed natural immunization and recovery mechanism that most of us are unaware of and usually exploit due to stressful lifestyles, past traumas, emotional blockage, lack of proper bodily awareness, poor body constitution and more. Shiatsu-Anma is a natural form of pressure therapy that promotes this feature in our bodies and utilizes it so to recover any damages or blockages, and optimize our body's functioning.
Usually chronic conditions are built up in our body "under the radar" for a long period of time, and is accumulated to the level of obvious symptoms and further internal damages to tissues, organ, systems etc. While treating common acute ailments usually is faster to impact, treating chronic ailments takes more time and should be considered as a PROCESS, rather than a "quick fix". For maximum effect, clients should highly be aware of this difference.
The efficiency of treating chronic conditions depends on a number of important elements:
- Knowing that the healing process depends on BOTH on the therapist and on the client, as opposed to a "fix up" done by the therapist manipulatively. The result and effect depends on proper technique AND on the receiving end of it (the client). Part of the healing process is training the client to improve their skill of receiving pressure techniques and working effectively with them.
- Proper assessment of the client's general health background and bodily functioning and lifestyle or history may contribute to a better evaluation of the treatment's potential (PROGNOSIS). Usually an INTAKE form is being filled out by the client for that purpose, and is strictly confidential under professional code of conduct. This, and follow-up note, help to assess and track the treatments for maximum effect.
- For the sake of a consistent recovery, the therapist should properly address all factors in the client's life that may trigger or worsen the problem so to learn how to prevent them (or offer compensative exercise) from sabotaging the recovery process. Foe example, advising better sleeping ways or suggesting products to improve sleep, if it stands in the way of recovery, etc.)
- Discipline and consistency are very important in preserving the effect and healing process. Most clients are relaying on the appointed session, and going back to their life and regular habits, not being aware of the regression caused by simply not creating the changes suggested by the therapist.
- In many cases, reactions to the first treatments may be temporarily unpleasant or feeling worsening, but are actually an integral part of the healing process, and indicate a "DETOXIFICATION" process, as if the body is strong and free enough to exposed hidden or repressed symptoms. This is a GREAT part of the process that indicates success, and usually followed up by an obvious improvement. Experience therapists are usually aware of such possibility and can guide their clients how to go through this part effectively.
- Clients should be ready and willing to create the changes necessary in between treatment sessions so to help the process by not adding damage or opposing it. Most clients believe that stress or the "challenges of life" are inevitable, not knowing that it is very easy to balance in most cases, just by doing things the right way, or applying simple and costless compensative techniques. A good therapist has the knowledge and skill to advice the right techniques/products for that purpose.

In my treatments, I often incorporate breathing techniques, train my clients to better receive the pressure, better understand the tension patterns their body holds, and suggest proper techniques and awareness so to continue the process at home. I have seen many cases in which clients reported significant improvement as they applied my suggestions at home. As many other therapists, I have also witnessed clients who were less cooperative and bared no meaningful results. As unfortunate as it is, I strive always to give my best to help everybody in need, and to set an example to my clients by living by my words and practicing QI and self Shiatsu-Anma at home.
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