Dear viewer: This is my Blog in which I plan to share valuable information with you about the concept of "KI" (Chi. "Qi") vital energy, and the wonderful traditional Japanese arts of Shiatsu-Anma bodywork therapy and Aikido, a peaceful non-aggressive martial art. Through practicing both these arts we can improve and cultivate our own natural health, immunity, vitality and the universe. This Blog is designed to share information, media, tips and tutorials about self-healing, self practice, mastering health and mastering the arts. I hope you will enjoy it and enrich your knowledge as much as I have throughout my career. SHIATSU-ANMA POSTS | AIKIDO POSTS | ENERGY POSTS
Shiatsu-Anma can be very effective in treating long-term conditions, that have resided in the body for many years. many of us carry those conditions and have adopted lifestyles to cope with their debilitating restrictions, or have managed to ignore them to the point of decreased body- mind communication and inner degeneration, resulting in further disabilities, diseases etc. Our bodies contain a complexed natural immunization and recovery mechanism that most of us are unaware of and usually exploit due to stressful lifestyles, past traumas, emotional blockage, lack of proper bodily awareness, poor body constitution and more. Shiatsu-Anma is a natural form of pressure therapy that promotes this feature in our bodies and utilizes it so to recover any damages or blockages, and optimize our body's functioning. Usually chronic conditions are built up in our body "under the radar" for a long period of time, and is accumulated to the level of obvious symptoms and further inter...