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Welcome to my Blog

Dear viewer: This is my Blog in which I plan to share valuable information with you about the concept of "KI" (Chi. "Qi") vital energy, and the wonderful traditional Japanese arts of Shiatsu-Anma bodywork therapy and Aikido, a peaceful non-aggressive martial art. Through practicing both these arts we can improve and cultivate our own natural health, immunity, vitality and the universe. This Blog is designed to share information, media, tips  and tutorials about self-healing, self practice, mastering health and mastering the arts. I hope you will enjoy it and enrich your knowledge as much as I have throughout my career.  SHIATSU-ANMA POSTS       |       AIKIDO POSTS     |       ENERGY POSTS  
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Shiatsu-Anma for Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing non-restorative sleep despite adequate opportunity for sleep. It can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Insomnia can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), and it may be caused by various factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, medical conditions, medications, or poor sleep habits. Traditional treatment options include improving sleep hygiene, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), and sometimes medications under medical supervision. Common reasons I have seen throughout my career as causes for insomnia are: going to sleep with unrelaxed mind (worry, stress, too many responsibilities etc.), environmental factors such as working up late, strong lights prior to sleep, eating spicy/heavy foods before sleeping and more. Insomnia involves to a great deal our Pineal gland, a hormonal gland located behind our brain-stem and responsi

Shiatsu-Anma vs Western Massage

   S hiatsu and Anma are traditional bodywork therapy styles that have developed in traditional Japan, and rooted in traditional Asian natural medicine. Anma was imported to Japan centuries ago from China, as part of Chinese medicine and culture, and gave birth to Shiatsu in the early 20th century. Together they are combined into Shiatsu-Anma healing art. S hiatsu-Anma therapy has been popularized throughout the USA as a form of Massage. Since graduating the  Shiatsu-Anma school in California 1996, I came to realize that Shiatsu-Anma as Asian bodywork differs essentially in many ways than other western massage modalities, as recognized by the general public and the scientific community. The majority of the American public has misunderstood the value, goals and potential embedded in this healing art, and  that decreases its value and contribution to promoting health. I'd like to shed some light on that matter, so to allow you all a better understanding of the art. My understanding o

Recommended Massage Devices

Learn how to practice and cultivate your health with Shiatsu-Anma-Do. Practicing self Massage and Shiatsu can support a healthy life style and even assists in an ongoing treatment. This page includes a variety of recommended items that may effectively assist in self daily practice. All these items are very affordable, popular, easily purchased and highly effective and practical for self use. Hope you can enjoy them soon. Additional items will be posted in the future. * Items are directed to AMAZON website for purchase. _________________________________________ Acupressure Mat One of the most successful and recommended devices ever! Can be used in many ways and mostly works to disperses any intense concentrated pain or tension. - Purchase here -

The Goal of Aikido Mastery

A ikido is a modern Japanese martial art that started in the early 20th century, evolving from a more traditional skills such as Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jiujitsu (led by the Takeda family for centuries), some traditional weapons skills like the wooden sword (Bokken), short staff (Jo) and more. the focus in Aikido is to peacefully and non-aggressively subdue an attack through a variety of techniques, conducted in a non-forceful way. Aikido mastery takes years of consistent and devoted practice but as skills evolves, it is second to none and extremely rewarding. The true reward is not in the techniques performed, but the development of the conduct that guides the practice and gradually becomes our nature. Traditional Japanese Martial arts were meant to develop the practitioner as a SAMURAI . The word "Samurai" is derived from the term "Samuru", means: "To Serve". Just like the understanding of a high degree soldier, or, and OFFICER, in the western concept, the Samura

Shiatsu-Anma for Maintenance

Shiatsu-Anma , Japanese traditional Acupressure therapy and bodywork, has served as part of traditional Asian medicine for centuries, aiding patients in promoting their health, alleviating many common ailments and even helping cure serious conditions, under the guidance of professional healers. This art is still in use around the world nowadays, promoting our natural healing powers in our bodies. The benefits of pressure therapy include regulating nerve control and removing accumulated tensions from various tissues, hence help the body's physiology recorrect itself and promote its natural metabolic balance. Shiatsu-Anma therapy can benefit the body both locally and remotely (reflexed effect) so to promote free and natural functioning. To most people, massage and bodywork are accepted as merely a casual relief of symptoms and therefore, single casual treatments are more popular in modern times. There are many factors that may contribute to that, such as costly treatments in a challe

Shiatsu-Anma For Pregnancy/Postnatal Treatments

Pregnancy Treatments: Pregnancy is a wonderful natural miracle of preparing to bring new life on Earth. Naturally the Embryo’s growth is much depended in the mother’s health, life style etc. With modern fast & stressful life style pregnancy is often experienced through many hardships and unpleasant symptoms than may often undermine the mother’s health, and even affect the born-to-be baby. Modern lifestyle often affects many young women while being pregnant: working hard, coping with stress, coping with mass communication and technology, etc. thus turning a natural wonder such as pregnancy into a long, painful & tiring process, often accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms, complications, decreased immunization and body power, unstable sensitivity and more. It is well known that Shiatsu and Anma may assist much in the process of pregnancy, starting from alleviating pain & other typical symptoms common in pregnancy, and up to helping the natural development of the embryo insi

Tanden (TanTien): The Center Of Our Being

For many centuries the source of our being, power and health is known among the sages in the far east as the body’s center of gravity, or the “field of longevity” ( Jap = Tanden; Chi = Tantien). For centuries this center was cultivated and maintained by healers, martial-artists and masters of many types of arts who believed that perfection depends in utmost utilization of this center, both physically and mentally. In fact, sources point three divisions of this center in our body: The upper “Tantien” (3rd eye) as the mental center of wisdom, the middle center (middle of the chest) as the center of emotions and conception and empathy, and the lower center as the physical center, the center of gravity in our bodies and source of our true strength. Breathing into and from this center (lower center) is considered as the most fundamental element in maintaining health and optimizing our body’s powers and functioning! In my personal experience over the course of practice I noticed a significan